Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Second Part--An Essential Question

Tonight please write an essential question for the section you are assigned.

An essential question is one that functions on both a literal and symbolic level, and every reader should know the possible answer to by the end of that section. Good Luck and let me know if you have any questions.

Epigraphs and Introduction:



A Whole New Deal

Citizenship in the Home

Citizenship in the School


Bishop said...

How does the introduction and epigraphs play a vital role in establishing the primary themes of Wolff's memoir, but more importantly, how do they give the reader a sense of Wolff's morality and Toby's lack of identity?

Hallie Coon said...

How does changing Toby's name effect his lack of identity throughout the memoir?

Unknown said...

What do all of Toby's problems in his social life with friends, his love life, and his academic life tie back to and how do they tie back to it?

Sarah Putnam said...

How does the task of shucking the hulls from the butternuts affect Toby's life at home and at school, and how does it affect Toby's view of himself?

Martinen said...

How does Toby trying to be cool affect how he sees himself as a person?

Anonymous said...

When Toby and his friends Taylor and Silver egg the car, how does it affect their coolness and the way Toby sees himself.
~ Maddy

Anonymous said...

Does the Whole New Deal just represent Toby moving? Or can it mean sometihng else?

Anonymous said...

Does the Whole New Deal just represent Toby moving? Or can it mean sometihng else?
-Conor McFarland

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AlexW said...

Do Toby's friends affect who he is and/or how he acts?

Chris Richards said...

How does Toby realize he wears a false identity?

Anonymous said...

Why do Toby and Rosemary feels the need to always find freedom? What is holding them back?

Anonymous said...

“Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind”

Douglas MacArthur

I find this quote very interesting...

Anonymous said...

That was from me, Eliza^

Anonymous said...

Why does he find the kid in the thunderbird so cool? Why does he try to act tough thinking hes cool?

Lydia said...

How do the social events that go on in Chinook and under Dwight's watch hurt Toby as a person?